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St. Mary's Menston

KS4 Options

It is our Catholic belief we are all on a lifelong journey and our time together at St Mary’s Menston is part of this pilgrimage which we are privileged to share with you. Our Mission is to work with our students and their families to help develop their virtuous character and draw out their God-given gifts and talents so they may imitate Christ and reflect God in their daily lives. Ultimately, when our students leave this family community, we hope they will shine and contribute positively to the common good of society and the beauty of the world.

Mr Flanagan , Deputy Headteacher

Our Curriculum offer for KS4 encompasses three pathways - Open, Bespoke and EBACC.  

KS4-Curriculum-Pathways (ID 1076)










Which subjects can I choose from?

The subjects which can be chosen for each pathway are shown in the diagram below.



Choices booklet and further information


You can read more in-depth information about the subjects we offer:


  • On our subject pages here
  • In our information booklet below:


gcse options booklet 2025 2027.pdf