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St. Mary's Menston

Supporting Transition


We aim to make transition to St Mary’s as smooth as it is successful in both curriculum and pupil experience.  For those that decide early that they wish to move to us in Year 7, transition activities begin in Year 4.  Across KS2 they experience all the school has to offer from PE, to creative subjects to science experiments.

We know how exciting it is to join St Mary’s in Year 7 and once in Year 6 a programme of events and activities begins to ensure that the transition is met with enthusiasm, and confidence by all. 

Students are given opportunities to meet their teachers, start to build their friendships and to get to know their new environments long before their first day.  And, of course, there are lots of opportunities to asks questions. 

Parents are welcomed to school through regular communication, an information evening, and an informal coffee morning where they meet our Student Managers, and pupils who have journeyed on the same path as their children. 

Staff from feeder schools and secondary schools in the Trust meet regularly and ensure that our curricular are aligned and we build on the work which pupils have completed in their previous school. 

Our next Open day is September 2024 from  and further information/booking will become available on our Open events and tours page.  If you are unable to make the next event or have other specific questions you may also request an onsite tour of the school via the same page.